

Transform Your


By Dr. Martin Orro

Get the perfect smile with veneers at Martin Orro, DDS.

Our veneers can correct flaws such as discoloration, chipping, and uneven spacing.

You can get the smile you've always wanted with minimal tooth preparation.

Thin and Natural-looking Veneers

Our veneers are incredibly thin and can be cemented directly onto your tooth surface.

If an extra thin layer of enamel is required, we ensure the porcelain surface looks as natural as possible.

You'll love the natural look of your new restoration.

Custom-made Veneers for a Perfect Fit

Our porcelain veneers are custom-crafted to suit each individual, making them virtually impossible to detect.

They are made of high-tech stain-resistant materials, so your veneers are less likely to become stained

from deeply colored drinks, foods, or tobacco.

Whiten Your Teeth with Veneers

Veneers can whiten even the darkest teeth if your teeth resist dental bleaching treatments.

Our veneers are a cost-effective solution for improving the appearance of

crooked, discolored, chipped, and oddly shaped teeth.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Contact Martin Orro, DDS, today for more information on porcelain veneers in Lancaster, California.

To request an appointment, fill out the online form on the website.